#roo gifs
mushpotaeto · 4 months
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your existence alone is beautiful ꔛ — ✰ SHINee
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
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Inner child
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"I know you were tired- So many hours of your days were spent being small, holding yourself together in the corner. Some days you could muster up a smile... Other days you could hardly get out of bed. It was all wrong. You were just a kid."
[ Transcript under the cut <3 ]
Panel 1 : I remember how sad you were
Panel 2 : You'd go to the bathroom every morning and cry.
Panel 3 : You were angry. But too feeble from neglect to express it.
Panel 4 : And even when you changed yourself to be above them, or to be among them. You were prey. A target.
Panel 5 : I still remember how sad I was. I remember every course of rage in my veins
Panel 6 : Eventually desperation took over. To fit in was to be same. To be same was to be free of the heckling.
Panel 7 : But all along you and I were always going to be different from the crowd.
Panel 8 : I'm sorry it took this long. But everything is okay now. I've learnt to love our differences from the crowd.
Panel 9 : I did this. I did this all for you. But you'll never know that. You'll never know why it was wrong to be treated that way. You'll never know peace.
Panel 10 : I was just a kid. / I'm just a kid.
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 5 months
Stars Align: Part 8
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Violence, Mentions of Abuse, Angry Bradley, Swearing, Alcohol, Sexual Themes, Soppy and Emotional Scenes.
-- Part 7 Here --
18+ Only
''Would you hurry up? We're never going to get a good spot.'' Bradley groaned as he stood outside the guest bedroom while you got ready for your beach day.
''Okay okay, I'm ready.'' you said as you shuffled out of the bedroom, an oversized t-shirt draping over you like a blanket.
Bradley scrunched up his nose, ''How are you gonna catch any sun with that thing on?''
''I'll take it off when we get there.'' you said as you grabbed your beach bag and made your way down the stairs.
You opted to walk the short distance to the beach as the weather was perfect. Carole had given you one of her big sunhats and Bradley had fished out his dads old aviators. Together the pair of you looked like an old married couple, squabbling about stupid things jokingly as you walked.
Bradley slung his arm over your shoulder as the sound of the sea and happy vacationers became audible, and he sighed.
''One day when we're older and earning money, you're gonna live with me.''
''Why would I want to live with a gross boy?'' you teased.
''Because I'll be like super ripped and you won't be able to keep your hands off of me.'' Bradley winked, and you shoved him away with a groan.
''Yeah you wish.''
Little did you know everything Bradley had said would come true, eventually.
You found a little spot on the beach and put your things down, scanning the water for somewhere to swim.
Bradley bent over to remove his shoes, and as he stood back up you were in the process of taking the huge t-shirt off.
Bradley gulped loudly, your body was incredible. He wasn't sure when you really became a woman, but there was nothing left of that dorky teenager he'd helped years ago.
Your bikini was figure hugging and complimented every curve. Gabby had taught you a thing or two about dressing for confidence, and boy was she right, you felt much less awkward in your own skin suddenly.
You began to walk towards the water, ''You coming, Bradshaw?''
Bradley closed his mouth and nodded, ''Yeah...yup. Coming.''
As he followed you to the sea, he tried to keep his eyes on the water ahead, instead of on his best friend, who was really beginning to give him confused feelings.
He watched as you stepped into the sea, the waves lapping at your soft skin. You gasped as the cold water splashed your chest and hopped around as you adjusted, and Bradley's jaw hit the ground.
He suddenly couldn't hear or see anything but you, and he felt himself losing control over himself.
''Shit.'' he mumbled as he quickly sat down under the cold water.
''Wow that's brave, the waters freezing.'' you said, as the cold waves splashed up against Bradleys lowered form.
''Mhmm.'' he mumbled through gritted teeth. Sure, the water was cold and it wasn't a pleasant feeling being submerged so quickly, but it was doing wonders subduing something else.
He breathed as his erection went down, and waded deeper out into the water, following you as you finally submerged yourself.
You swam around and floated in the water for a while, enjoying the happy sounds of people splashing around, the smell of the sea and sunscreen filling your nostrils.
''It's so nice to be back.'' you sighed happily, looking back at the shore.
''It's nice to have you back. You have no idea how lame it's been without you.'' Bradley chuckled.
''You're so soppy all of a sudden, who even are you?'' you teased, and splashed Bradley in the face.
He looked at you in shock, ''How dare you?'' and splashed you back.
You laughed and lunged at Bradley, gripping his shoulders and trying to push him under the water, but you'd forgotten how tall he was, and he didn't even budge under your weight, instead your body landed against his, and he steadied you with his hands on your hips, your faces inches apart.
You flushed red and pushed away, swimming backwards as you glared at him playfully.
''Alright, I'm cold. Let's go get a tan.'' you instructed as you swam back to shore, your heart racing at how desperately you wanted to prolong the awkward little moment you'd just had.
''Okay, I'll... I'll be out in a minute.'' Bradley mumbled awkwardly, waiting yet again for the water to subdue his excitement.
You blinked rapidly, desperately hoping you were having a horrible nightmare and you'd wake up in the bungalow tucked safely under Bradleys strong arm.
Nat moved to your side and gripped your arm to steady you. Bradley had told her briefly about a bad ex and Nat was smart enough to recognise trauma when she saw it.
“Is it him?” She mumbled in your ear.
You nodded, as you forced some air into your lungs.
“What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy to see me?” Jacob chuckled, his dazzling smile almost nonchalant as he edged closer. Alice grinned from behind him.
“Hope you don’t mind, Y/N, but a quick scour of your Facebook showed so many happy pictures of you two. I just figured… well, it might be nice to find him and reunite two old flames.” She smirked, a glint of revenge in her blue eyes.
“When I heard you’d left Fall River, it really hurt me…” Jacob stepped forward and took your hand, cupping it in his other.
You still couldn’t speak, for fear the tears would begin to fall and you’d look weak. You tried to put on what you thought was a brave face, but to everyone around you, you looked terrified, like a ghost of bad times past stood before you.
“I really thought that one day, eventually, you’d forgive our squabbles, and you’d come back to me. I mean, I called, I called so many times. And I came to your door but you were never home, but I just thought our love was stronger than all of that and you’d eventually wake up and see that too.” He sighed, his blue eyes crinkled as he grinned down at you, black hair slicked back perfectly as it always had been. Nothing about Jacob had changed in the last few years.
He was still the same devilishly handsome, darkly dangerous man as before.
You had somehow, inexplicably, been able to avoid him for the past few years despite the small size of the town. Jacob had changed schools after the breakup, but it didn’t stop the ferocious slander from the other teachers who sided with him.
You managed to memorise his very particular pattern. He shopped on certain days, at certain times, in certain stores. On Saturdays he went to the library for most of the day, so you knew it was safe to run your errands, and you mostly stuck to shopping in the evening when you were sure he was at home, sipping wine and tucked into a good book.
You felt immense relief when you left town, finally feeling a sense of freedom you hadn’t had in a long time, but suddenly you felt all of the sneaking around and moving was for nothing, and your body began to shake.
“Please leave.” You managed to squeak out.
“Leave? Do you realise how far I’ve come just to see you? The least you could do is have a drink with me, beautiful.” He cupped your cheek and your body locked up. A single tear slid from your eye as your nostrils filled with his musky cologne, all of the bad memories rushing back.
“Jacob I think you need to go, if you know what’s best for you.” Nat stepped forward.
“You called?” Hangman sang as he walked back into the room, Bradley following and both none the wiser.
“Not you, Jake. Him. It’s Birdy’s ex.” Nat scowled at Jacob. Hangman eyed up the newcomer and moseyed forward with his own face plastered in a cocky grin.
Bradley’s eyes finally landing on you and your shaking form, and man with his hands on you, his eyes went dark and his body tensed up.
“Well well well, I’m sorry ‘Jacob’. I’m afraid there’s only room for one Jake in this building… in this city even, and that’s me. I’ll be happy to escort you out.” Hangman drawled, taking the toothpick out of his mouth and flicking it dramatically to the floor.
Jacob let go of you and focused his scowl on Hangman, walking cooly up to him. “This is none of your business, kid. Maybe just stay out of it if you know what’s good for you.”
Suddenly, from just behind Jacob, Bradley cleared his throat. The two men were about the same height, but when Jacob turned to face him, Bradley seemed at least a head taller than him as he stood tall and angry with his fists clenched at his side and his jaw set.
“You’re Jacob?” Bradley ground out.
“That’s me, buddy. My girls been talking about me, I take it?” Jacob smirked over at you. But just as soon as he looked back, Bradley’s hand was wrapping around Jacob’s neck as he pushed him up against the nearest wall.
Jacob struggled as his neat hair came loose from its slicked back hold, huffing against the wall as his eyes scanned the room.
“I’m only going to tell you once to get the fuck out of here, if I catch you anywhere near her again, it will be me and every naval officer in this room you’ll have to contend with. Got it?” Bradley growled, his face red and a scowl etched deep into his features as his huge hand wrapped tighter around Jacobs neck.
The Hard Deck was now silent as everyone, including Penny, stood with bated breaths. Even Alice looked surprised.
Hangman, Bob, Javy, Mickey and Reuben stood in a half circle around Bradley and Jacob, ready to pounce at any sign of struggle. Nat stood at your side, her arm hooked around your waist just in case, as you stood watching in horror.
“Fine. Fine. I’ll go.” Jacob said, his shit eating grin still unfaltering as Bradley reluctantly let go of him.
Jacob smoothed his hair back and straightened his shirt and jacket, and Bradley followed him through the crowd towards the entrance.
The rest of the Daggers followed, and reluctantly your feet began to move too. You had to be sure he was really leaving.
Once out in the parking lot, a crowd beginning to gather at the door, Bradley stood with his huge arms crossed as he watched Jacob walk towards his rental car.
You breathed a shaky sigh of relief as you thought it was all over, but Jacob suddenly stopped, chuckled to himself, and then turned around.
“Actually, I always knew it would end like this. With me kind enough to give my girl another chance, but naturally the little whore has surrounded herself with more men than she can satisfy.” He spat, and it was enough to release Bradley’s rage.
Bradley surged forward across the gravel, “You fucker!” He growled, and his fist connected with Jacobs face.
Jacob stumbled back in surprise, touching his split lip and smirking at the blood on his fingers as Bradley stood over him.
“Stay the fuck away from her. She’s not your girl.” Bradley spat.
“You don’t know who you’ve fucked with. I’ll see you around.” And with that Jacob turned and climbed into his car.
Alice stood in the crowd and crossed her arms. Her plan had seriously backfired. All she wanted was for Jacob to take you away so she’d have another shot with Bradley, she hadn’t realised the full extent of the situation. Before anyone could pick a bone with her, she slunk off into the crowd and disappeared.
Bradley took a moment to breathe, his hands on his hips as he collected himself.
You stood behind him, hands still clasped over your mouth, shaking like a leaf. Bradley turned around and his angry face softened as soon as his eyes landed on you. Wordlessly he pulled you into him and held you, kissing the top of your head.
“Are you okay, Birdy?” He whispered into your hair.
You nodded, wrapping your arms tightly around him, “Thank you.”
“I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“I’m not... It’s nice to know so many people are fighting my corner, especially with you at the centre. I don’t feel so scared anymore.” You said as you looked up at him.
Bradley bent down and kissed you gently, his swollen hand threading through your hair.
You pulled back slightly, “What about the others? They’re gonna know.”
“I don’t care. I want them to know you’re all mine.” He said before his lips connected with yours again.
“I fucking knew it!” Nat chuckled from the entrance.
“Alright alright, let’s give them a moment.” Bob smiled, and everyone filtered back inside.
The summer had passed in a blur, and before you knew it, you were spending your final night in the Bradshaw household before you had to fly back the next morning.
The summer had been filled with perfect memories. Long days down at the beach, evening walks around the neighbourhood reminiscing about the good old days, lots of laughter at dinner times and movies in Bradley’s bed before you went to sleep.
Carole didn’t mind you spending time alone in each others rooms, provided you went to sleep in your own beds at night.
On the last night you finished watching The NeverEnding Story for the tenth time, a movie you and Bradley had loved when you were younger, and you said goodnight to him as you left for your bed.
Bradley sat in his bed for a long time after you left, contemplating how to sneak the letter he’d wrote you into your suitcase without you noticing. He’d been thinking about it all summer, and had decided he needed to tell you how he felt.
He wasn’t the best at using his words, so felt it better to write everything down, and hoped you’d be long gone by the time you read it, so that he wouldn’t implode into himself if you read it in front of him.
Once he was sure you must have fallen asleep, Bradley crawled out of bed and grabbed the letter from his desk drawer. His hands shook as he held it in his hands. Letting out a shaky breath, he snuck out of his room and padded quietly down the dark hallway.
He carefully opened your bedroom door, and he could hear your steady breathing. You were asleep. He snuck inside and crept towards your suitcase. He bent down and slowly unzipped the front pouch.
“Bradley?” Your soft voice hummed.
Bradley shot up and threw the letter on the floor, kicking it under the chest of drawers.
“Hey Birdy.” He whispered.
“What are you doing in here?”
He was quiet for a moment, but then he walked over to the bed and climbed in next to you.
“I just wanted sleep next to you one last time.” He whispered.
“Won’t your mom be mad?” You whispered back, turning on your side to face him, close enough to feel his breath on your face.
“She doesn’t need to know.” His heart was thudding against his chest.
“Okay, I’m glad you’re here. I always sleep better when you’re around.” You grinned.
You closed your eyes as Bradley stroked a strand of hair off of your face. You looked so beautiful, it would be so easy just to kiss you. But Bradley was terrified you’d reject him and he’d ruin the entire summer by making one wrong move.
Little did he know you were desperate to tangle your fingers in his hair and have your way with him too.
“Birdy?” Bradley’s hoarse voice mumbled.
“I… uhm…” he trailed off, unsure of how to put what he wanted to say into actual words.
“What is it?” You hummed, your hand gently moving to lay flat against his chest. You could feel his heart thudding and you wiggled closer.
Bradley’s breathing caught in his throat, and suddenly he was overwhelmed by the fear of losing you.
“Okay.” You sighed, slowly turning over so your back faced him. You squeezed your eyes shut in embarrassment. You really thought he felt the same for a moment there, but you must have misread the room.
Bradley silently cursed himself. He knew the moment had passed to say anything, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t just enjoy having you there before you left again.
Edging closer, Bradley slipped a hand onto the dip of your waist, and lay his head on your pillow so he could rest his chin on your shoulder.
“Goodnight, Birdy.”
“Goodnight, Roo.”
-- Final Part Here --
Note: I dunno about y'all, but this is who I imagine Jacob as:
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Taglist now open 💛 Please let me know if you'd like to be added!
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I’ve been thinking about this prompt for awhile now, but I’d like to hear your takes on it! if say another event like lost in the book happened but instead of stitch, they meet Winnie the Pooh and his friends— which of the cast do you think would relate most to the characters?
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I uh 😅 don’t know a lot about Winnie the Pooh or its characters, so my thoughts here are based on very, veeery basic understandings of them.
Pooh — His defining trait is his loyalty and willingness to help others, so I automatically don’t see many of the NRC boys relating to Pooh’s softness. He might be a better fit with one of the light cosmic element boys (Kalim, Silver, even Rook) or Yuu.
Piglet — He’s soft spoken and always nervous or worrying about something. I think of Epel and Idia as the "soft spoken" ones of the group, but Idia is the more generally anxious one. Epel's only really "shy and meek" when he's forced to act more polite; his true personality is much rowdier and more stubborn.
Tigger — Tigger is bright and enthusiastic. Any number of the cheerier members of the main cast could fit here with him: Cater, Kalim, etc. I would say Sebek (at least when it's a Malleus-related task or sentiment) works.
Eeyore — The most “different” of the Pooh cast; Eeyore tends to be down in the dumps and/or unenthusiastic. I see Idia and Leona best relating to Eeyore, since the former is usually pessimistic about everything while the latter has depressive symptoms that he usually masks with arrogant confidence.
Rabbit — Prideful and stubborn self-appointed leader, but ready to hop into action when he is called upon. Most of the dorm leaders could honestly slot in nicely here, particularly Riddle (whom we see in book 6 trying to be the "leader" of his group with Azul and has a generally very rigid way of thinking).
Kanga and Roo — Loving mother and curious, adventurous son duo. Various combinations can work here, although each pairing kind of represents a different kind of parent-child or general familial relationship. (Vil and Epel, Trey and Riddle, Idia and Ortho, Leona and Cheka, Jamil and Kalim, etc.) It really depends on how you want to look at it.
Owl — A know-it-all who actually dispenses the wrong information more often than not. I'd say Lilia or Jade is most Owl-like. They're the most likely to share false knowledge, but unlike Owl, it doesn't come from a place of genuinely not knowing but rather purposefully fucking up the information to mess with people.
Christopher Robin — A kind and helpful boy who shares his stories with the animals of the 100 Acre Woods. I wasn’t sure if I should include him here, but the Disney website lists him as a core member of the cast so I thought, “might as well!” Since Christopher Robin is the "odd one out" who shares stories with everyone, which i think it suits Yuu (the photographer/one who records memories) quite well.
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jaelebi · 3 months
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4/7 taro moodboard!! 🦦🦘
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blingblingisdino90 · 10 months
(I think we all need to see this. Our Roo is getting old wahhh.)
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Our princess. <3
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softangelstims · 6 months
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Stimboard Requests: Roo from Winnie the Pooh!
sources: x x x x x x x x
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allastoredeer · 3 months
As some who I know is a fellow Roo enjoyer, I figured you would be interested in this.
I'm incredibly surprised I haven't seen anyone mention this yet, but you know the scene in The Full Moon when Agent One is sending those child soldiers through the portal? And that tentacle creature with all the eyes kills them?
Yeeeeah, I'm pretty damn certain that's Roo. Like, if you pause and look at it, the tentacles have red and black stripes, and the eyes look like the eyes we see all over Hell. At first, I wasn't sure because I'm so used to the eyes being bright red, and the tentacles' eyes were more magenta. But later in the Lust Ring, we see those eyes around, and THEY looked more magenta and even PURPLE in some shots. So I figure the tentacles' eyes must've looked magenta because of the cooler lighting of the D.H.O.R.K.S. headquarters.
Buuuuuuut yeah, that's totally Roo, you CANNOT convince me otherwise.
I saw a Twitter thread of all the hints of Roo in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss and every single one made me just
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But I didn't consider that the tentacle monster might be Roo O.O I was a little busy being horrified by watching a group of children get brutally killed, but 👀 considering this is the Root of All Evil we're talking about, yeah I wouldn't be surprised that she'd do that.
Idk, man, I'm so convinced she's going to show up that I'm going to look like such a clown if she doesn't.
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Oh no. Oh nononnono no
Oh...okay we need to to...oh god
Okay stay calm....
Judging by AFP!Alastors reaction, he does feel a connection to them, so maybe this feeling will grow and maybe... maybe if we are lucky he'll have a change of heart... I... hope...
Well the other option is that HGP!Alastor will become completely feral and go full on Mama Bear on AFP!Alastor, beating him to a pulp. This will hopefully at least teach him a lesson to never mess with a "mother".
I just hope Caius won't become afraid of HGP!Alastor after this...
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*Roo stands before Alastor, her gaze cold and calculating as she examines the child in his arms. Caius, the son of Lucifer and Alastor from another universe, looks up at her with innocent eyes, unaware of the fate that hangs in the balance.*
Roo: *strokes her chin thoughtfully* This child... he will suffice.
Alastor (AFP): *smirks triumphantly, relief flooding through him* Excellent. Then our deal is complete, Mistress Roo. My soul in exchange for Caius.
Roo: *nods, a cruel smile playing on her lips* Indeed. But before I set you free, there is one last thing I must do.
*With a flick of her wrist, Roo opens a portal to heaven, its golden light bathing the room in a celestial glow. Alastor watches in awe as his soul is pulled from his body, rising towards the heavenly realm.*
Alastor: *shocked* What... what are you doing?
Roo: *laughs darkly* Fulfilling my end of the bargain, Alastor. Your soul is now free from our deal. As for the child...
*She reaches out, plucking Caius from Alastor's arms with a swift motion. Caius lets out a confused whimper, reaching out towards Alastor with tiny hands.*
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Alastor: *panicked* Wait! What are you going to do with him?
Roo: *smirks, her eyes gleaming with malice* He will serve a greater purpose. A purpose far beyond your comprehension.
*With that, Roo steps through the portal to heaven, disappearing from view with Caius in her arms. Alastor is left standing alone, his soul freed but his heart heavy with regret.*
Alastor: *whispers to himself* What have I done...?
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*Alastor is overwhelmed with a sense of loss and guilt, realizing too late the gravity of his actions. Though Caius may have been from another universe, Alastor still felt a connection to him, a bond that now feels irreparably broken.*
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oldinterneticons · 5 months
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
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Make the Most of It : Day one in Strangetown
Day one in Strangetown was a success! He made not one but two friends, got a job and somehow managed to win 5 rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors back-to-back-to-back, which is surprising considering his luck...
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sui-imi · 1 year
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Roo's not very good with compliments x)
I wanted to animate based on the drawing below:
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... so I did.
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yangularoo · 4 months
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12 Principles of Animation: 1- Squash and Stretch Currently teaching some friends about the animation principles and thought I'd share here too ^^/ It's great practice to teach others what you've learned and brush up on the basics.
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kubbley · 5 months
Up flip
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sillymeter · 2 months
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kitten compilation! chewy (white and brown bicolor tabby... i think.) & roo (solid black hehee) the gate int he 2nd pic is gonna be removed bc they learned to climb that shit Immediately. like fast. 2 seconds at least fast. it comes up to my hip. theyre fighting not hugging in the third. they did hug once though i wasnt quick enough to get a pic but i did draw it.. stamps for spacing
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banini-pen · 18 hours
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"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐡 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐏𝐢𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐩, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲."
Author: A.A. Milne Series: Winnie-the-Pooh, #1 Dates read: July 24 - 30, 2024 Star Rating: ⭑⭑⭑ (spoiler review under the cut)
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Honestly this book was alright. While I loved each character I couldn’t feel connected to them. The stories told were stories I knew from watching Winnie-the-Pooh when I was younger, but it was jarring to see how different some of the characters come across in the book and TV show.
One of these characters is Piglet, who is a scaredy-cat, feeling almost too self-appointed. For example in some chapters, when he hears that Pooh or any of the characters are going to help, he is disappointed as he wants to be the main character. Which isn’t that bad, if it is delivered in a softer way.
Another part I was surprised by was the fact that Rabbit, Pooh, and Piglet were ready to kidnap Baby Roo to scare Kanga away from the Hundred Acre Woods. That chapter was quite fun to read.
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Surprisingly, I ended up liking Rabbit more than I expected. Rabbit feels softer and more gentle when he interacts with the other residents of the Hundred Acre Wood, without losing his snark. Owl was Owl, with his smarts. Eyore was the same Eyore, sad yet happy with the little things. Christopher Robin was as I remembered, and Pooh was just as lovable as he has always been.
Overall, it was fun to read this book for the first time, but I did get tired of reading about halfway through, I recommend it just for the nostalgia and the feels.
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